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Spearmint Water

Spearmint water

The term “mint” is an umbrella term for the Mentha plant family that includes spearmint, peppermint, etc. Mint is a perennial and wide-spreading herb. When planted in good soil, mint grows wild, and can overtake gardens and lawns, making it a popular container gardening herb. The plant has a wide variety of uses, from a breath freshener to a stomach-soother.

The distinct, fresh flavour of mint comes from its menthol content – it has a lovely, refreshing effect. Spearmint water contains antioxidants that remove dead cells and makes the skin healthy and beautiful. It is a great toner as well. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient soothe the irritation from mosquito bites and other skin aggravating conditions. It also has potent antibacterial properties and contains salicylic acid that helps prevent acne. 

  • Spearmint water has an extremely soothing effect on the skin. It lets the skin relax, while acting on any blemishes that might be present. This leaves your skin looking bright and refreshed after each treatment.
  • It controls the secretion of oil, while helping to clean pores and eliminate acne. It ensures pores don’t get clogged due to dirt, grime etc. thus preventing blackheads.
  • It locks in moisture by tightening pores, and helps to soften dry and itchy skin.
  • Mint is a mild astringent that can be used to tone your skin. The ingredient removes dirt and grime from your pores and refines them to leave you with smoother, softer, and well-hydrated skin.
  • With high antioxidant content, the skin remains healthy and free from damage.
  • As mint boosts the circulation of blood to your skin and hydrates it, it also delays the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • The skin under your eye is fragile and prone to damage – mint can heal this delicate area and revitalise it.