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Article: 5 reasons why you must use a natural serum for your skin

5 reasons why you must use a natural serum for your skin

Facial serums or natural serums are nothing but a mix of lightweight oils – rich in antioxidants, nutrients, acids, minerals, and other active reagents. They can help you solve and avoid multiple skin issues. And without any effort or risks associated with other options. If oils give you the nightmares of flashy, breaking skin tissues, have a look at these five of uncountable benefits natural serums have to offer:

Natural Skin Serum
1. Extra protection + hydration – Glow like never before

The lightweight oils – desert date – can easily penetrate through the accumulated dead skin cells, dust, toxins, sebum, and other harmful + useless materials blocking your pores. They allow the moisture to reach deeper into your skin and keep it trapped inside. Allowing more time for the skin to absorb and heal. Not to mention – they also form a protective layer over your skin. That evens out your skin tone and gives you an instant + lasting glow.

2. Shrunken pores

Higher-end and effective oils – e.g., jojoba, hazel, etc. – contain active agents and compounds that cause your pores to shrink in size.

3. Regulate sebum production

Many oils – namely jojoba and desert witch – regulate sebum, collagen, and oil production. That means – less wrinkle, no stretch marks, no dark spots, and no ageing. These are the safest anti-ageing solution ever.

4. Reduce oil production – banish zits, acne, dark spots, sunburn, inflammation

The moisturising, nourishing, and exfoliating properties of these oils make them the best ally of your skin. You only need to be choosy about which oil works best for your skin type and issue.

5. Overnight healing

Unlike other beauty products – it’s recommended to wear an overnight serum foundation. They keep your skin safe as well as utilize the dark hours for healing and nourishment.

So why is Desert Healer the best hydrating serum for dry & sensitive skin?

To put it in a nutshell, the Desert Healer is the best hydrating serum for dry & sensitive skin as it nourishes from deep within, while soothing your skin so it can heal properly. It regulates sebum production that prevents ugly breakouts, while also helping to diminish splotches, blemishes and sunburns.

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